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Product Updates
2 min read

Multi-Backup Recovery Methods on Portal

Enhance security for end users with multiple backup methods

May 10, 2024

Multi-Backup Recovery Methods on Portal

Portal offers customers the option to use multiple backup methods for recovering Multi-Party Computation (MPC) wallet key shares. MPC wallets require backups so that users can recover access to their wallet in the event of a lost, stolen, or bricked device. Users can back up their wallet once per method, allowing for redundancy that enables smoother recovery. By integrating more than one backup method, such as "GDRIVE", "ICLOUD", "PASSWORD", and "PASSKEY", customers are providing end users with enhanced data security, greater resiliency in the face of lost or compromised keys, and a far superior user experience.

Greater flexibility for users

Offering multiple backup options allows users to select the backup method that works best for them. Some users will be unfamiliar with newer technology such as Passkeys and prefer familiar patterns such as using passwords. Each backup option has its own unique benefits which can be more or less important depending upon the user. Offering the flexibility to choose the method which suits their needs is paramount to creating a better user experience.

iCloud and GDrive provide the security of enterprise authentication provided by Apple and Google while Passkeys provide similar security benefits with the experience of WebAuthn. Passwords provide low friction but require the user to create and store the password.

Design options for developers

Allowing for multiple backup methods also provides greater optionality for developers when designing their apps. A designer of a low risk application may determine that a password is sufficient for security purposes and offer the target audience less difficulty when onboarding. Developers of a high sensitivity app may determine that iCloud or GDrive is a better fit for their needs. Methods can also be combined to accommodate these nuances. A developer can require a password during onboarding, but require the user to upgrade to iCloud, GDrive, or Passkey after the balance in their account reaches a certain level.

Case study: Velo

Velo uses multiple backup methods, including iCloud and Password, in their digital dollar account integration for Brazilian users. As their target customer is an average citizen, incorporating this option minimizes security burden for people when becoming a Velo account holder; onboarding is familiar and fast without sacrificing security. In the event that the user loses access to their iCloud, they can still recover their wallet with a PIN/Password that was previously set up to store backup shares of the MPC wallet.

Velo added multi-backup recovery methods for their users for additional security 

For more details, review our docs on Backing up a wallet and Multi-Backup Migration.